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The importance of
Live interaction

Involve your online viewers in your livestream?

Live interaction is crucial in online events because it creates a sense of involvement and connection between the participants and the presenters. Live interaction allows participants to ask questions, receive answers and provide feedback, making them feel actively involved in the event and the content being presented.

Having a live interaction during an online event can also improve the quality of the presentation. It allows the presenter to receive and respond to the audience's reactions and feedback. This can help to tailor the presentation more to the audience and clarify any ambiguities or questions.

Another reason why live interaction is important at online events is that it can help participants feel less isolated. At an online event it can be easy to feel separated from other participants, and live interaction can help reduce this feeling of distance. It allows participants to connect with other participants and with the presenters, which can contribute to a sense of community and connection.

In short, live interaction is important in online events because it engages participants, improves the quality of the presentation and can help reduce the feeling of distance between participants.

Make your professional livestream interactive with our online tools

Live chat

This is a popular form of interaction during a livestream. Viewers can type and send messages in real-time that are visible to the presenter and other viewers. The presenter can reply to these messages and answer questions, opening a direct line of communication between the presenter and the audience.

Polls and surveys:

Polls and surveys can be conducted during a livestream to gauge the audience's opinion on certain topics. This can be a way to keep the audience engaged and participate in the event.

Q&A sessions

Q&A sessions provide an opportunity for viewers to ask questions of the presenter or other speakers during the event. This can provide a more personal interaction between the presenter and the audience and can help increase audience engagement.

Social media integration

Live streams can be integrated with social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. This can allow for greater audience engagement and can be a way to share the stream on other channels.

Live polls

During a livestream, live polls can be held to gauge the audience's opinion on certain topics. This can help increase audience engagement and gather feedback about the event.

By using interactive features, you can increase audience engagement with the livestream and provide a more dynamic and immersive experience.


A word cloud is a visual representation of the most common words the audience uses to respond to a question. This can be used to gain insight into the most important themes and ideas that are important to the public.

Quizzes and games:

Mentimeter allows presenters to create quizzes and games and play them live during the livestream. This can help keep the audience engaged and increase audience involvement.

livestream solutions livestream specialist

Leon Toeset
Livestream specialist

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